My word of the 2020 is EFFORT!
The word effort has been cycling around my head for the past 3 to 4 months.
It has become more frequent as we got closer to the new year.
I think it is important though to explain a few things though. This effort is not as in hustle or grind or even strive. This is effort as you must put in the effort to get out of your comfort zone.
The past few years I have been taking tiny steps out of my comfort zone in different areas of my life. This year though the Lord is leading me to make more of an effort to trust that growth is worth the discomfort.
I do not take that lightly. I realize the struggle that will come with this. and while it is easy to say I can do all things through Christ. I look back and think of what I have gone through to get to this point. The battles that have been fought the tears that have fallen. I know more battles are coming.
Because the enemy does not want me to grow so he is going to make it very difficult any and every way he can.
As a result of time spent with the Bible and various Bible studies I realize my weak points and know that that is where he will hit me the hardest.
I realize the EFFORT that I will have to put forth to do this. Like trying to be healthier, staying within a budget or following Christ you must be intentional with your choices.
A comfort zone is just that where you feel comfortable. And that can apply to so many areas of your world.
- your church
- your relationship
- your friendships
- you family life
- your work life or in my case my business
- your children
- your relationship with God
- your finances
- your health
- your house/apartment
You just have settled into the same old same old. You do not try new because
- you would have to work at it
- you would have to lean in
- you might fail
- you might ruffle feathers
- you might draw attention
- you might ????
The problem though is you do not grow in comfort. You aren't challenged in comfort. And while we would love to wake up one morning being the super Christian we always aspired to be it does not work that way.
- It takes moment by moment choices.
- It takes falling down 4999 times and getting up 5000 times.
- it takes choosing to let go of flesh way and take up the spiritual way of doing things.
- It takes doing things differently.
It takes effort.
Last year I shared how I got more intentional about my reading. That investment of time and focus is paying off in the thoughts I have and my actions. It got me to this point.
The next investment of time and energy will be in pushing myself out of my comfort zone. But I believe it will be so worth it if I can help just one person.
I would love to know about your word for the year or if you set goals for the year. Do you do both? I do.
If you would like to share drop it in the comments below.
Praying that your year will be filled with growth on the narrow road.