Trusting God
Have you ever driven to Dallas at night for the first time alone? I did recently and WOW. I think I drove at least 20 minutes past the place I was trying to go. I am a traveling person. I love to travel. As a child, we traveled quite a bit and my dad taught us how to use a map.
My current vehicle, however, has GPS in it which I have gotten used to utilizing it when we travel. For this particular trip though I was renting a car. I was tired before I left and exhausted once I got there. But I felt I needed to be there and God would take care of me. I got there and God really blessed.
Leaving Dallas I had a co-pilot but still no GPS and this time it was early morning. Even with the directions, we managed to get turned around but we got home.
I learned multiple things on that trip.
One -maybe I should upgrade my phone and so I can get GPS.
Two -it is worth the extra money to have a cd player in the car.
Three -ask are the lights automatic before you get on the road and are freaking out trying to figure it out.
Four -I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
If you would have asked me a week before about driving to Dallas and around Dallas and home by myself I probably would have laughed at you. I am finding when I stop and listen to God he keeps challenging me. But he also keeps making a way. So I continue to trust him. Before Hurricane Harvey, I would have said I had a rough week. But now I know I had an interesting week.
You never know what God is going to ask of you but be ready to say yes and know he will provide and he has a plan.
As Psalm 147:4 says "He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."
Or as the Message version states "God’s the one who rebuilds Jerusalem, who regathers Israel’s scattered exiles. He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and assigns each a name. Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what he knows and does. God puts the fallen on their feet again and pushes the wicked into the ditch."
I kind of like the visual of pushing the wicked into a ditch but I digress.
Our God who numbers the stars and names the stars knows you and I and what we are capable of, trust him.