Persevering faith
This is a bit of a continuation of the Faith that built this business.
So I have this faith that has helped me withstand some things, mostly myself LOL. I have a dream God gave me and I realize that, throughout the years, I could have quit at any time, except I feel God has called me and, if He has not released me, quitting is not an option.
There was a time when I closed my business on a word from God. There have been years when I mostly focused on the creative aspect of the business, which is important. Lately, though, God has moved me to the details of a business, the unfun stuff.
- Taxes
- Social media marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Email marketing
- Collaborations
- Blog writing
- General business knowledge
This is all character-building. This is taking me from where I am comfortable to where I know nothing and must learn and be vulnerable. I am still at a point where I am spending time, energy, money, and brain power on an idea from God.
The idea that people need to be reminded:
- how great our God is (His promises, principles, power, character, and attributes);
- to keep training to be a great Christian (it does not happen the moment you are saved; it is a process);
- to realize and embrace the spiritual identity God has given each of us;
- of the great resource that is the bible; and
of using His words. The words that:
- will not return to Him void. (Isaiah 55:11)
- are given by inspiration of God, and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- are quick powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and are a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
I had a very good conversation with someone a while ago and I realized how much my faith has sustained me through this journey, which is why I titled this article Persevering Faith.
What I see day in and day out sometimes causes me to pause and sometimes cry. But what I know, what God has given me a glimmer of is sustaining. I am working on a word from God because I know Him to be true to His word and promise. I am walking in faith, which makes it possible to please God, but faith also costs.
Faith costs time, money, relationships, and brain power. Faith also gives:
- it gives strength to continue
- it gives power to speak and do
- it gives provision.
There is a reason my favorite chapter in the Bible is Hebrews 11. There we read about various people in the bible who, through faith:
- conquered kingdoms;
- administered justice;
- gained what was promised;
- shut the mouths of lions;
- quenched the fury of the flames and escaped the edge of the sword;
- had weakness turned to strength; and
- who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
- Women received back their dead, raised to life again.
While we often highlight the end of the journey, we have to realize and remember some don't begin because of the unknown or because of the stories that did not end well. Faith persevering faith has brought me, and prayerfully you, this far. If we have nothing else, we have grown our faith, we have more character and fruit to show for the time we have put in on this journey.
In all this, I have brought in my family to work with me. All these areas I cannot do by myself, and funds are not available to hire out so I turn to my family. They are troopers and part of me is even embarrassed to do that because they are seeing all this work that I am putting in and that they are putting in and wondering why. And yet, I see again God moving and building character with me and with my family. How He chooses to bless this ride we are on; I have no idea but I have faith that it is for a purpose as God does nothing without purpose.
So, if you are like me and you are still waiting to see your idea fully blossom, don't give up. Keep moving in the direction God last gave you and know we are not alone in this season of persevering faith.